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Welcome Insight Workplace Health Plan members to your exclusive area for occupational health tips, guides and resources. This area will be updated regularly to help you use occupational health to its full potential and improve the overall health and wellbeing of your workforce.


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What is occupational health?

Occupational health is interested in the effect of work on health and that of health on work.


Employers are required by law to prevent physical and mental ill health in workers that may occur because of business activities.

Working Together

What is neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity is a concept that recognizes and celebrates the natural variations in human brain function and behaviour. It suggests that there is no such thing as a “normal” or “typical” brain, and that different ways of thinking and processing information are not necessarily deficiencies, but rather part of the natural diversity of the human population.

Construction worker climbing

What is a safety critical medical?

Under the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act, employers have a duty of care to prevent the ill-health of their workers; In our latest blog, Insight Workplace Health takes an in depth look at Safety Critical Medicals.


Spirometry FAQs 

Depending upon the industry occupation in which you work, the workplace risk assessment and method statement (RAMS) regarding respiratory health and upon your workplace COSHH risk assessment, or where there has been a diagnosed case of occupational asthma, it may be necessary for your staff to undergo periodic respiratory health surveillance.

Workplace Needs Assessments Dyslexia

What is a workplace needs assessment?

A Workplace Needs Assessment or Neurodiversity Assessment is a more specialist occupational health service, used to identify any adjustments needed in order for a neurodiverse employee to fulfil the responsibilities of their role


When should I refer an employee to occupational health?

At Insight Workplace Health we aim to transition the employee back into the workplace as smoothly and seamlessly as possible following, here we look at when you should be referring an employee to occupational health,

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A Guide to Occupational Skin Disease

Occupational skin disease may be caused by exposure to a physical, chemical, or biological substances or repetitive mechanical force and lead to temporary skin irritation or permanent skin damage.

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A Guide to Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD)

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are one of the leading causes of absence from work and employers have a legal duty to avoid potentially hazardous manual handling tasks in the workplace.

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Audiometry FAQs

The Control of Noise at Work Regulations (2005) require employers to reduce the risk of exposure to noise in the workplace for all employee which may be due to use of machinery, tools, weapons, or the environment.

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Biological Monitoring in occupational health

Biological monitoring is a method of chemical exposure assessment of toxic compounds, elements, or their metabolites, in biological substances.

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